Logo Capital Consig

Building a modern and secure payroll Loan Solution with Capital Consig

Mockup Capital Consig

Capital Consig, a financial technology institution (SCD) founded in 2018, transformed its manual and inefficient payroll loan processes into a modern, automated, and secure solution through its partnership with Luby.

How Luby Helped Capital Consig Modernize:


Financial Modernization

Capital Consig sought to integrate its operations with a banking core, but the initial solution fell short. Luby stepped in and developed a secure and technically advanced system tailored to their needs.

Luby’s UX & UI team conducted a discovery phase to understand user pain points and define precise requirements. Based on these insights, a product roadmap was created with wireframes, prototypes, and key features to optimize the user experience. 

A multi-disciplinary team, including a product owner (PO) and developers, built a hybrid application to automate payroll loan operations, featuring.

  • Applications and requests
  • Interest rate calculations and loan approvals
  • Document collection
  • Contract generation and electronic signature
  • Installment and payment workflows
  • Receipt processing

To ensure seamless operations, integrations have been implemented with:

  • SPB (Brazilian Payment System)
  • SPI (Instant Payment System)
  • PSTI (Technology Service Provider)

JD, a trusted PSTI, was selected for regulatory compliance, as well as integrations with:

  • INPC (New Billing Platform)
  • CADOC (Central Bank Document Catalog)
  • CCS (National Financial System Client Registry)

Banking Expansion

Luby expanded the initial solution to include new services and features, including a digital account that expanded Capital Consig’s offerings and created new business opportunities. 

The account introduced features such as:

  • Mobile top-ups
  • Batch transaction transfers
  • Bill payments
  • Indirect Pix integration
  • Credit card services
  • Integration with FGTS and INSS
  • Life Insurance
  • Back-office platform

Cyber Security

To ensure secure operations in line with market best practices in fraud prevention and cybersecurity, Luby’s specialist team designed a comprehensive security framework for the application.

Key Know Your Customer (KYC) tools were integrated, including:

  • C&M
  • Nextcode
  • Datavalid
  • Resolvrisk

These tools support data validation, and fraud detection and provide advanced onboarding capabilities such as:

  • Face Match: Ensures that the face on the user’s ID matches the person opening the account or applying for a loan.
  • Liveness Detection: Verifies that the image presented is a real, live face through behavioral and facial characteristics.
  • Background Check: Investigates the user’s background, including criminal, business, and financial records.

Strategic partnership results

Skill Set

  • Back-End development
  • Front-End Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Microservices

Technologies and Stacks Used

  • Serverless logo cases Luby.
  • Amazon SNS logo cases Luby.
  • Amazon DynamoDB logo cases Luby.
  • Amazon SNS logo cases Luby.
  • Amazon SQS logo cases Luby.
  • React logo cases Luby.
  • React Native logo cases Luby.
  • TypeScript logo cases Luby.
  • JS Node logo cases Luby.
  • Postgres logo cases Luby.

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