Domper case study

Transforming the agribusiness industry with web and mobile solutions

Domper logo, the Luby's sucessful case

The Domper Challenge

Driven by a vision to turn software projects into business outcomes, the company underwent a significant digital transformation to achieve technological excellence and meet today’s demands with innovation and efficiency.

The Luby solutions integrated into this project:

E-commerce & Marketplace

Domper serves various sectors such as industry, wholesale, markets, bakeries, stores, and agribusiness with three independent systems. The old system, developed twenty years ago for the desktop, was not modular and required changes to all three systems when changing a specific program.

To overcome this challenge, we created a web-based system that allows the creation of flexible solutions using as many modules as needed. This innovative approach resulted in a multi-company, multi-operation system, providing a more efficient solution that could be adapted to Domper’s needs


Domper chose Luby as a partner to develop a new ERP using innovative cloud technologies. The goal of the project is to accelerate development by integrating the Luby/Domper teams to quickly deliver a functional product to customers. The new ERP aims to unify three existing systems and provide a modular solution to meet the specific needs of each customer.

The resulting system, focused on B2B operations, is highly customizable and provides comprehensive business management. The interface includes dedicated dashboards for Domper’s internal staff and for the registered companies that are Domper’s clients.

Organizations can register with Domper with multiple companies, each with different rights and levels of access to specific programs. To date, there are 123 programs available to add and control data, offering flexibility and adaptability to the organization’s needs

Domper Web:

The web system developed by Luby allows the creation of customized solutions for organizations and is characterized by its comprehensive functionalities:
  • Registration and configuration of programs in different sectors.
  • Intelligent launches.
  • Automatic synchronization.
  • Integrated management of properties, teams, weather, inventory and costs.
The adaptable and white-label approach of the system, with specific modules for each solution and associated programs, ensures complete customization to meet the specific needs of each client.
Web development screen created by Luby for Domper

Domper App:

AgroD Brasil is an innovative application in the agribusiness sector, focused on the Field Notebook (a tool for the control of cultivation and harvesting routines of fruits and vegetables). It is characterized by offering efficient management of rural operations, working offline for recording in areas with poor connectivity and synchronizing automatically when online.

The application uses the centralized database in the ERP, accessed through a web browser. After logging in and selecting the desired organization and company, the user, depending on the profile, accesses programs to register, edit and generate reports as needed, controlling the information in the available interfaces.
App development screen created by Luby for Domper
App interface development screen created by Luby for Domper

The results of this
strategic partnership:

129 organizations served by the system.

131 satisfied corporate customers.

234 active users on the platform

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Client Review

“Luby’s organizing, dedication and commitment are excellent.”
Eduardo Silva – Founder, Domper

Skill Set

Requirements Analyst

Product Owner

Front-end Development

Back-end Development

Tech & Stack

Outsourcedtech talent Luby react logo

About the company

Domper Consultancy and Systems was founded in 2006 in Vacaria, in the south of Brazil. It offers consulting, development and implementation of information systems.
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